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A Mother's Day Encouragement from a Mom with a Neurodivergent Child

May 14, 2023

Mother’s Day is a day where we celebrate moms - all kinds of moms.

We have married moms, single moms, moms of 1 child, moms of multiple children and moms of neurodivergent kids/individuals.

Being a mom is a big role given to us, by the Lord.

I, myself am a mom of 2 children – Lorenzo who is diagnosed to be in the autism spectrum and Katrina who is gifted, and very musically talented.

This is no easy feat, but truly by God’s grace we have come this far.

There is no manual on how to raise God-fearing, obedient and good children. But God gave us His word, the Bible, to navigate life.

We all go through trials and errors, but we should learn from our errors.

This parenting journey is a life long journey, it doesn’t end when your child turns 18.

It is a commitment – in all aspects, so it has to be holistic.

Many mundane days, the in-betweens. When your kids are in school or therapy session. Such a blessing to have that opportune time with the Lord.

You can make that time to pray, read the Bible or listen to apps (my favorite one is Abide) that help me spiritually grow.

As a mom, we need to keep learning and growing – so we can be an example to our families.

I, personally, need to make sure that I am the same person to my husband, kids and to others.

Consistency is always key.

Yet I, at times, fail, because of many factors.

But now, I apologize for my wrong doings and correct myself when I am wrong (Thank you Holy Spirit who dwells in us) and I try to be a good example to my children.

It's hard work but with Christ, nothing is impossible.

When I see my children happy, joyful and were all having fun, I make it a point to always look up and say, "Thank You Lord."

For all the grace, love and mercy You have showered upon us. When people say. "wow you have a loving family" – I always say yes thank you and thank God.

It's all part of God’s plan and will.

We need to recognize Him and obey Him. I trust Him fully to take care of me, my husband, Enzo and Katrina.

As He is our Heavenly Father. He has good plans for each one of us.

Who thought at this point I'd be sharing my insights to many – when before I was just trying to get through the day/s.

You, too, have that story waiting to be written.

The Lord is good, just and faithful.

May we always see motherhood as a chance to learn, love, understand and serve the Lord by serving our families.

We are His stewards, let us make sure to steward our flock well, and lead them to HIM.

After all He is our one and only creator and Father. Happy Mother's Day to all moms!

All your efforts and time are all seen and heard by the Lord. Let’s keep on serving our families and the Lord, in all that we do as moms.

For support for moms like me, let's journey together in discovering how loved we are by the Lord.


Cheering you on,

Chu Calleja